Last minute cancellation.

This is to cancel an appointment that is within the next 24 hours.

If your appointment is further out than 24 hours this form will not work. You will need to manage your appointments through the online booking system.

I won’t charge a fee for cancelled or missed appointments. It doesn’t affect my schedule often enough to inconvenience my clients that way. I know that things come up, and plans can change and that’s life. However, I do limit the amount of times this can occur.

  • I have a Three Strikes Rule. This is for my established clients. If you no show or cancel last minute three times you will no longer be able to book any future appointments with me.

  • If you stand me up on your first appointment, you won’t be able to get back on my schedule. This first impression tells me I can’t count on you for future services.

  • If you exceed the late arrival grace period your appointment will be marked a “no show”. Avoid this by submitting a “last minute cancellation”.

Cancellation Policy